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fees Title

1. Non-Voting Member $500 $1000 $500
2. Voting Member $1,500 $3000 $1500
3. Translation Business Specialist designation $1,000 $2000 $1000
4. Interpreting Business Specialist designation $1,000 $2000 $1000
5. Translation & Interpretation Business Specialist designation $2,000 $4000 $2000
6. Non-Voting Vendor Member N/A $500 $500

  • Introductory Cost discount will expire on Dec 31/03 at which regular fees will become applicable.

  • Amounts and/or fee structures may be changed with Board approval at the Annual General Meeting of members.

  • ACCTI logo may only be displayed, if applicable, during the term covered by the fees paid.

Infrastructure Title

Administration of Quality Standard Program

The Quality Standard Program operates on a two-tiered administrative structure comprising a Specialist Quality Standard Board ("Board") and Specialty Committees, one for each area of specialty.

The Board has overall authority over the specialty committees regarding the general principles relating to established Quality Standards. It may add new subspecialties provided they are a subset of either the translation or interpretation Quality Standards as outlined, and approve any rules and regulations that may apply.

All new Quality Standards must be a sub-specialization of either the translation or interpreting category, and members may not certify compliance to a subspecialty Quality Standard unless said member first complies with the applicable parent quality standard.

The Board may alter or decline Specialist membership status based upon outstanding lawsuits, late payment history, illegal business practices including, without limitation, practices which are contrary to the Consumer Protection Act, Business Practices Act, Competition Act, the equivalents of these statutes in the various provinces of Canada, or trade-mark laws, or have been convicted of criminal or quasi-criminal offences at its discretion.

While ultimate responsibility regarding compliance to the established quality standard lies with the member, the Specialty Committees review applications and complaints, and make recommendations to the Board as required. Specialty Committees may be formed to propose new subspecialties and related Quality Standards and, in conjunction with the Board, draft and review Quality Standards for their respective areas of specialization.

Membership on subspecialty committees is determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, and is representative of the various facets and interests of that particular subspecialty and comprises members from across the country insofar as is practical, having regard to the nature of the particular subspecialty.

How Corporations apply for applicable Business Specialist titles:

- Provide written confirmation of adherence to the applicable ACCTI Quality Standards by signing supplied form along with supporting documentation as required

- Business Specialist designation applications must include a non-refundable deposit as per the applicable fee schedule. The balance is due prior to commencement of the certification period, but only after Specialist Certification Board approval.

- The Specialist Certification Board may decline member’s request for Specialist title designation and revoke it where warranted. Should it be revoked, the member will be reimbursed the balance of applicable pre-paid dues less that required to retain non-voting or voting membership as applicable.


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